Concert Schedule for 75th Season 2024-2025
Call the Mother Lode Theatre box office at 406-723-3602 to renew or purchase season tickets.
Previous season ticket holders have until September 1 to renew their same seats.
Buy two adult season tickets and receive two student season tickets for free!

Marcia Henry Liebenow
Saturday, November 2, 2024 | 7:30 p.m.
Let’s Celebrate – Opening Night!
Opening Night of our 75th season brings violinist Marcia Henry Liebenow with Lalo’s Symphonie Espagnole, mvt. 1, Ralph Vaughn Williams’ The Lark Ascending, Grieg’s Symphonic Dances and the world premiere of Isabelle Pearson’s ‘Heimweh’ – a journey of emotions and mood. Our extraordinary program emulates all the Butte Symphony represents – “Music you can feel!”
Join us for a post-concert celebration and silent auction in the ballroom!
Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 7:30 p.m.
Our Butte Holiday!
The holidays in Butte are unique and special! We celebrate the season with the voices of Butte and Anaconda High School Chorales and the Mining City Choral Union.
A Butte tradition designed for your entire family, we proclaim the season with classical and popular music to share the wonders of this time of year.
We’ll wrap up the festivities with our yearly traditional sing-a-long of carols old and new.

Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 7:30 p.m.
The Flow of Music
Water is the theme for our February concert!
Butte native son William Cook gives us his ‘Blacktail Creek’ tone poem in our series of new commissioned music. Expanding on our aquatic theme, we add Handel’s ‘Suite of Watermusic’, Ferde Grofé’s wonderful ‘The Mississippi Suite’, and a silent film with the orchestra playing for favorite Buster Keaton in “The Boat”.
Saturday, April 26, 2025 | 7:30 p.m.
Pure Joy!!
Happiness, triumph and inspiration
We welcome back Azusa Hokugo of the Ahn Trio (the 4th member) to play the joyously brilliant Grieg Piano Concerto. Will Roesch provides a commissioned piece for us. Add in Haydn’s ‘Symphony No. 75’, ‘Spring Song’ by Sibelius and the inspiring ‘Tsar Boris Overture’ by Kalinnikov and we conclude our 75th season with the music of inspiration! Music you can feel!